Cleaning and Christmas

December 13, 2011

I love cleaning.  However, cleaning products aren’t always the safest for children.  Being that I have two children that roll around on the floor constantly, I have to worry about what residual chemicals.  As such, my cleaning regimen now only includes a steam cleaner and lots of vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar has changed my life.  It makes glass crystal clear, it clears grease so quickly (which means my glass stove top  has NEVER been cleaner!), and it also disinfects! At less than $4 a gallon, how can you go wrong?!

To mop, I put 1 cup per gallon of hot water.  Vinegar is also a deodorizer – so, after the floors dry, your whole house smells better.

I miss Pine-sol, though.  Do they make pinesol air freshener?

I’m also going to start making my laundry detergent (for about 1 cent a load!) — for the recipe, visit Jeana at Frugally Green! I’m going to either use Patchouli or Lavender essential oils to make it smell pretty… and I’ll let you know how it goes! 🙂 How SAD is it that I’m truly, truly excited about this?

Now, on to Christmas. . . 

Here are a few pictures of what I did around the house for Christmas.  It’s nothing much. . . but when your kids will eat any and everything, it’s hard to decorate.

Our Mini-Tree with our stockings! 🙂 I’m going to put actual footprints on the stockings. . . once I feel up to that task again. Get one every year until they’re old enough to say, “Mom, this is ridiculous.”

My brother bought this large "brandy glass" to be EXTRA KLASSY (lol) during our college experience. So, I filled it with our glass ornaments that we won't be able to use for at least another 3 years.


This is Giggles' mistletoe! I used his hands for the leaves and his thumbprint for the actual berries. I did this with Goo, too, but he decided to smear everything so it's not as pretty 🙂

Lady got in on the fun!

I felt creative and hung snowflakes from the fan! Woo!

One Response to “Cleaning and Christmas”

  1. Britto said

    Marie! You’re a much better woman than me, I can’t believe you’re still upright, let alone putting up Christmas decorations! Keep it up and keep your sanity 😉

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